CPSC 331 — Introduction and Mathematics Review


Introduction and Mathematics Review


Starting early in this course can be quite important!

The first lecture introduces the subject and learning goals of this course. Details about course admnistration are also included in this lecture.

Supplemental material for the first lecture includes a review of mathematical proofs and a proof technique that will be used throughout the course — mathematical induction. Students should read this material before looking at other course material. The first tutorial exercise concerns this material.

The second tutorial exercise should be completed after you have worked through the first two of the Java development exercises for this course but before you attend the second tutorial of this course. This should not be hard to do, and it will help to make sure that any Java programs that you write for assignments in this course can be compiled by markers.

Lecture #1: Introduction to the Course and Mathematics Review

Required Reading

Lecture Presentation

Additional Information That May Be of Interest

Tutorial #1: Review of Mathematical Induction

Tutorial #2: Setting Up Your Java Development Environment at School

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Department of Computer Science

cpsc 331 computer science faculty of science u of c

cpsc 331 intro and math review analysis of algorithms basic data structures and adts search trees hash tables searching and sorting graph algorithms java develoment exercises assignments tests