Tutorial 16, CPSC 331, Fall 2008

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 Graph Algorithms: Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees

About This Exercise

This exercise is based on the information about graph properties and algorithms introduced in lectures on December 3, and December 5

The objectives of this exercise are

Please read through and try to solve the problems on this exercise before attending the tutorials during the last week of classes. The problems on this exercise will be discussed during these tutorials.


  1. Trace the execution of MST-Prim on the following weighted undirected graphs. In order to obtain the same as executions, you should choose 0 as the start vertex and visit neighbours of each vertex by increasing value for the label.


      A Weighted Graph


      Another Weighted Graph


      Yet Another Weighted Graph


      A Final Weighted Graph

  2. What would happen if you applied Prim’s algorithm to a weighted graph G that is not connected? What, if anything, could be stated and proved about the algorithm’s output in this case?

  3. Prove the following claim, which was used in the proof of correctness of both Dijkstra’s and Prim”s algorithms.

    Claim: Suppose that each vertex in an undirected graph is coloured either white, grey, or black. Suppose, as well, that every neighbour of a black node is black, as well. Then the only vertices that are reachable from any black nodes are also black.

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