CPSC/PMAT 669, Cryptography (Fall 2014)

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Assignments:   1  -  2  -  3

Lectures Lecture 1: MWF 9:00-9:50 (MS 431)
Instructor: Mike Jacobson
Office: ICT 612
Email: jacobs@cpsc
Phone: 210-9410
Office hours: MW 11:00 - 11:50 or by appointment only
Course information sheet: CIS
Textbook There is no required textbook, but you might find the Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Menezes, van Oorschot, and Vanstone useful.
Grading Two components are included in the determination of the course grade.
     Assignments (total of 3, equally weighted) 40%
     Research Project 60%

A percentage grade (ratio of number of marks awarded to the number of marks available) will be computed for each component. An overall percentage grade for the course will then be computed, using the percentage grades awarded for each component, as a weighted average using the weightings listed above. Finally, the overall percentage grade will be converted to a letter grade using the following conversion. (This is the only letter grade that will be used, in this course.)

From: To:   = Letter From: To:   = Letter
95% 100% A+ 65% 69% C+
90% 94% A 60% 64% C
85% 89% A− 55% 59% C−
80% 84% B+ 50% 54% D+
75% 79% B 45% 49% D
70% 74% B− 0% 44% F
Exam There will be no midterm nor final exam.


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