CPSC 669, Cryptography (Fall 2004)

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Assignments:   PS:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4
Solutions: PS:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4 PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4


 Project Presentations

All presentations will take place in SS 115.

Date Time Presenter Title
1/12 10:00-10:40 Mohammad Minhaz TBA
1/12 11:00-11:40 Dave Richardson TBA
3/12 10:00-10:40 Andrew Zakaluzny Cracking the Enigma: A Modern Cryptanalysis
3/12 11:00-11:40 Xiuzhan Guo A Categorical Approach to Cryptography
6/12 10:00-10:40 James Chou A Survey on Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis and Their Applications to DES
6/12 11:00-11:40 Andy Chan TBA
8/12 10:00-10:40 Hongchao Zhang TBA
8/12 11:00-11:40 Eric Roettger Lucas Sequences in Cryptography

 Tentative Course Schedule

Week Topic
08/09 Substitution ciphers, redundancy and entropy, unicity distance.
13/09 Perfect security and the one-time pad, block ciphers, product ciphers, DES.
20/09 Block cipher modes of operation, 3-DES, AES.
27/09 Number theory, extended Euclidean algorithm, primitive roots.
04/10 One-way functions and Diffie-Hellman key exchange, one-way trapdoor functions and public-key cryptography, RSA.
11/10 quadratic residuosity, Rabin-Williams, El Gamal.
18/10 Probabilistic PKC, semantic security, Goldwasser-Micali, Blum-Goldwasser.
25/10 Data integrity (hash functions), digital signatures, DSA, El Gamal, elliptic curve cryptography.
08/11 Key management, public-key infrastructure, certification authorities.
15/11 Web security (SSL), Email security (PGP).
22/11 Student presentations.
29/11 Student presentations.
06/12 Student presentations.

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