CPSC 331, Information Structures I, Winter 2007

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Lectures Lecture L02: MWF 10:00-10:50 (ES 0162)
Instructor: Mike Jacobson
Office: ICT 612
Email: jacobs@cpsc
Phone: 210-9410
Office hours: Monday 14:00 - 16:00 or by appointment only
Tutorials T04 TR 10:00 in MS 205, K. Bergmann

T05 MW 13:00 in MS 205, M. Monwar

T06 TR 17:00 in MS 205, S. Cheng

T07 MW 13:00 in PF 128, J. Sadeghi

Textbook Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Edition by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein. ISBN 0-07-013151-1, McGraw-Hill, July 2001.
The authors' own webpage containing supplemental content for the book.
There is also a webpage for the 1st Edition, including an older List of Errata for Edition 1.
Finally, there is an online learning centre containing useful material related to the text.
Term Tests Term Test 1 will take place on February 12, 18:00-19:30 PM, in ICT 102.

Term Test 2 will take place on March 26, 18:00-19:30, in ICT 102.

Make-up tests will not be given under any circumstances. If you are unable to attend (and have a valid, documented excuse), you will receive a no-mark and your the proportion of your final grade made of up of your final exam will be adjusted accordingly.

Final Exam The final exam will take place Friday, April 20, 12:00-14:00 in the Red Gym. Please note that no books or calculators will be permitted.

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